Covid-19 Response
Consistent with recent changes in county and state public health policy, as of Monday, February 13, Two Cranes Aikido no longer has a vaccination requirement.
TCI Health & Safety Guidelines
If you're sick with any illness, please do not come to the dojo.
Wash hands or use hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the dojo. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth when training.
Masks are optional
As a reminder:
Two Cranes continues to recommend vaccination and masks for all, although they are no longer required. We continue to take excellent cleaning and ventilation precautions.
If you have symptoms:
Stay home for 5 days. Get a test. If your test is negative and symptoms have resolved you may return to class.
We strongly urge everyone to err on the side of caution. Our community is precious and very diverse in age and health. We are working very hard to keep the dojo open and the people in it healthy. Our health and safety committee is comprised of various medical and science professionals, including doctors and a microbiologist.