Our Practice
Who was O Sensei?
Morihei Ueshiba, O Sensei (Great Teacher), (1883-1969) was an exceptional martial artist. O Sensei's genius was to discover that applied nonviolence, stopping the fight with a unified body, mind, and spirit, is one of the most potent weapons human beings possess. He combined his expertise in martial arts with his spiritual and ethical insights to form modern Aikido: a martial art devoted to cooperation rather than domination. O Sensei realized that true martial arts must go beyond concerns of winning and losing. Martial Arts must be a means of personal transformation leading to the realization of the harmonious nature of the universe. Until his death in 1969, O Sensei dedicated himself to teaching and a continual exploration of the Art of Peace.
Aikido, the Art of Peace
Aikido is a martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba, O Sensei. Known worldwide as the Art of Peace, Aikido emphasizes blending with an attacker’s energy rather than opposing it, often using circular, flowing movement. At a deeper level, Aikido invites us to recognize the power of applied nonviolence as a way to reconcile conflict and foster peace in the world.
Aikido techniques can be adapted for all ages of students, from kids to seniors. Through Aikido training we cultivate self-awareness, resiliency, and a calm spirit. Movements that begin as basic self-defense techniques later become intuitive responses to resolving conflict within ourselves and our surroundings. Inherent in our art is the principle of protecting both ourselves and our attackers from harm.
While Aikido training often takes place on a mat in our dojo, it doesn’t have to. We train in many other settings as well, including schools and parks. Ultimately, we aim to take our training off the mat and into all our life interactions.
Aikibojitsu, The Art of the Staff
“Aikibojitsu is a sophisticated and powerful martial system within which, through precise flowing movements with a staff, practitioners explore a wide range of techniques from the depths of silent stillness to peaks of explosive power. While Aikibojitsu's technical expression is complex and its techniques are martially potent, its real challenge comes down to confrontation with a simple stick of wood. In this challenge there is no hiding from oneself because the staff is a perfect mirror.”
- Tom Read Sensei, Aikido, Aikibojitsu, and the Structure of Reality
Chen Style Tai Chi
Taiji Chen form with Ken Wright The Chen Style 48 Form is part of the Hun Yuan system of Grand Master Feng Zhu Chieng taught to Ken Wright by the revered teacher, Madame Gao Fu. The principles we study include grounding, body structure, balance, silk reeling and explorations of various expressions of Jing. Beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome.